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Old 11-27-2009, 04:36 AM
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Re: TP2 & TP1 Are The Same Spec Wise, Why Is The TP2 So Much Better?

Originally Posted by tpeazy View Post
But the CDMA versions use a newer chipset then the original. So just to be clear...The Sprint/Verizon TP2s have a newer chipset then the Sprint/Verizon TP's and also then the GSM/WCDMA ATT Tilt2 and T-Mobile Touch Pro 2
I suppose, but it's only newer because they needed to add GSM support. If you compare a GSM Touch Pro2 with a CDMA Touch Pro2, the CDMA one isn't going to perform any better/faster, and that's what this thread is all about, asking why the TP2 performs better than the TP1, and that answer can only be speculated upon by us

My guess would be the obvious one, and just be the fact that HTC had more time to mess with the hardware. More time to tweak TF3D, make drivers, etc...
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