Originally Posted by zefie
9) mkdir /media
10) mkdir /media/bin
11) mount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /media [change the # after p to your partition id, if you made ext3 partition 3 (sdc3), then this is mmcblk0p3]
12) cd /system/bin
13) ./btld_testmode
I think there are some issues with all of this here. First, steps 12 and 13 probably need to happen around step 8.5. And they can be consolidated into just:
Also, steps 10 and 11 need to be swapped.
Originally Posted by zefie
Run the below commands WITH THE QUOTES
echo "#!/media/bin/su
case $1 in
ro )
/system/bin/mount -o remount,ro,codepage=utf8,vfat,fcach
e\(blks\)=128,xattr,check=no /dev/stl5 /system;;
rw )
/system/bin/mount -o remount,rw,codepage=utf8,vfat,fcach
e\(blks\)=128,xattr,check=no /dev/stl5 /system;;
* )
echo "Usage: $0 ro|rw";;
esac$" > /media/bin/remount
1 chmod 0755 /media/bin/remount
Two issues here. First, your remount commands can be simplified as:
/system/bin/mount -o remount,ro /dev/stl5 /system;;
/system/bin/mount -o remount,rw /dev/stl5 /system;;
respectively. All the other mount options are kept by default so no need to specify them again.
Also, the trailing $ after esac is not necessary any may cause the script to not run at all. I'm not sure why that's there but your other script has the same problem below.
Originally Posted by zefie
echo "#!/system/bin/sh
/system/bin/mkdir /media
/system/bin/mount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /media
/media/bin/remount rw
/system/bin/chmod 0755 /system/bin/playlogo_real
/media/bin/remount ro
/system/bin/playlogo_real$ cat /media/bin/remount" > /system/bin/playlogo
20) chmod 0755 /system/bin/playlogo
For this, there is the "$ cat /media/bin/remount" at the end which probably all needs to be taken out. I'm not sure what it's suppose to be doing, if anything.
Also, you might want to throw a:
/system/bin/chmod 1777 /media
someplace in all of that before the "/system/bin/playlogo_real" at the end so that /media will be world writable by other users than root in day to day use of the phone. This is assuming that the ext3 partition is of significant size for normal use rather than just a few megabytes to pull off everything you're accomplishing just in this post.
Originally Posted by zefie
21) ln -s /media/bin/su /system/bin/su
And finally, this last one makes me really nervous. I think we should probably leave the normal commands in /system/bin mostly unmolested. It's not a huge deal to pull up Better Terminal Emulator and type /media/bin/su to become root instead of using /system/bin/su in the PATH. And it also means that if /media disappears for some reason in the future, this base system command is still there in some form or fashion, even if it's mostly useless.
Otherwise, I concur.