*Rom Developement* KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid [Experimental]
I am somewhat of a demanding user when it comes to my phone and I want it to do a few things well, with out fancy graphics or pretty pictures.
1. Make Phone Calls
2. Recieve Emails
3. Play Music
4. Brows the Web
This ROM is going to be the Barest Bones Edition of WM 6.5 I can create that must be stable, fast, clean.
I plan to build a rom that will specifically exclude the following.
Manilla in all its renditions
Extra entries on the Titanium Screen
-Fave People
Extra programs that are rarely used
I have never cooked a rom before but I am bound and determined to get the rom that I want. I have greatly enjoyed everyone elses roms but they just don't quite fit what I am looking for. Anyone who is interested in such a build let me know, especially if you know anything about cooking.
I may be over my head, but I am gonna swim.
Second Post:
Known Bugs
To Do
Third Post:
Screen Grabs
Download Link