Originally Posted by Adrianh85
6.5 lock with auto lock cab works fine for me!!
well no mort script!(i hate using that cuz it unstable) the cab gives u options under start>settings>system>smart lock!! u have to make sure wm6.5 new lock and suspend lock are selected
found here
also when u are in a call the lock activates so u wont have any face dialing
Smartlock works great except it overrides disableslidewakeup.cab. I use a holster with a magnet in it so I have to use disableslidewakeup.cab in order for my phone not to wakeup every time I put it away. These two are not willing to work together at all.
I tried S2U2 v2.14 and it worked well with disableslidewakeup.cab, but when I receive a call, it waits too long to ring for some reason. Also, the settings menu is kind of buggy. The on/off switches do not respond.
Anyone else having these issues? I need a lock badly. Wakeup on SMS is freaking annoying!