Thx for your effort Zyphlin!
Of course, not exactly how I want it

I never intended to demand a skin that is perfectly how I want it. But when I see how people here can convert their whole homescreen to an iPhone interface, I think to myself: "wow, my idea of a good homescreen might be possible afteral".
HTC Home Customizer I heard of but it seems to have the same lay-out always over. I don't like the analog clock and the missed calls/emails etc on the rioght of that clock. Also the icons that go underneath it, I would like to get in the bottom like the iPhone... so I think usng the Customizer would only make it more difficult.
Of course this is all just guessing as I never have used such software...
The Wisbar soft can make my topbar and clock how I want it, but it seems then I loose the calendar items of today. And I have absolutely no idea how soem guys get icons on the bottom like the iPhone skin.