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Old 11-25-2009, 11:48 PM
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Re: [ROM]11|25|09[blindcook] psyklone 0.25 Custom Manila 2.x (21877) to be continued

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
lol, thats great to hear. it seems like the more roms i cook the more fixes we get and honestly i dont know how i fixed the 3 major bugs. maybe its just a good sense of flashing know-how that leads me in the right direction.

could u do me a favor and check all the games and pm me a list of the non functioning ones? also how is parlingo? it runs horrible on wvga for me so i want to take it out of psyklone unless it looks properly formatted for u guys.

also if u dont mind one more check could u please run 0.24 the exact same way u r running 0.25 (both 2.1 manila versions) and tell me what u think about mem leak? it may have been one of the apps i pulled from .25 to make room for the games, i suspect footprints since its a huge hog

btw the new ringtone is titled chime.wma, some of u may have heard it before lemme know if u like or not should i go back to crank ringtone
will do with the pm in a lil bit, So far i don't notice the mem leak but i think i may have an anomally with the flash.....ooppss, works for me. palringo works fine on the tp. A newer version is out 2.0. It can be pulled from the website so no biggie. Chime works fine here.

Originally Posted by Urufu_Shinjiro View Post
Ok, still on .25 manila 2.1 and can't get my location weather to work, weird. It worked perfectly on .15 and it seems to work in .25 for noobynoob. Damn finicky software, lol.
Try and flash back to stock HR and reflash back to .25 and HR. This is what i did and had to wait a bit for Customizations but location is working with no bumps.
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