Thread: ThaCounty
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Old 11-25-2009, 10:09 PM
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Re: ThaCounty

Woah! Theres some fighting going on here. Seriously, winmo pro2 fans are the worst.The successfully lynched me in the Pro2 forums for me merely trying to help them out. I tried to warn them about the disaster of a phone the pro2 was and how to stick with the pro 1 since its the exact same phone but a smaller screen. But Noooooooo! They all bought it and they suffered the wrath of karma.Now they are grumpy,jeolous and furios with a outdated winmo core with dead and stuck pixels EVERYWHERE! Poor saps.I paid the price of 1 month ban from those pro2 members. lol.

woah! Wrong thread! LOL!

Last edited by Exil3d; 11-25-2009 at 10:27 PM.
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