Originally Posted by maxxed
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50255; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)
is the standard manila 28004, manila 2.5?
sure, look at the hotfile. one is 28004 standard which is tf2.1, one is 28004 tf2.5.
Originally Posted by uncertainty
Hey guys, I haven't flashed my rom since Oct 25(Standard), and I checked today there seems to be alot more updates, but which one is the most stable one? Cause I have been reading through the forums and I am finding alot problems but people are not specific to which rom they are talking about..thx
this is tough to answer, I think they're all stable, just may require some tweaking after the fact, especially with the 2.5 releases. the best thing to do is try out the latest standard 2.1 rom and see how it compares to Oct25th. both are 2.1 thereby comparing apples to apples. The 2.5 are getting better but still a work in progress. good luck.