Originally Posted by Redemption
I think it was one of the originals in the weather tab and i might have removed it allready but it doesnt show up at all, only when i scroll on the locations and on the home screen
have you tried manually setting up your city on the tflo weather tab. Then go to the homescreen tap the clock and pick your city. it will show up then on the screen. also to Mystery's point, when you go to the tflo weather tab are you selecting set up my location on the left hand side? if you have it may just be in there and you can swipe to find it.
also regarding closing apps, Mystery has the task manager active under the small clock on the top right. with the tip of you finger, Just tap the clock once which brings up the native 6.5 tbar, then tap and hold the clock again for another 2 1/2 seconds and release, the htc task manager will appear. It takes a little effort but once you get the hang of it, it works fairly well. the animated weather sometimes slows this down though. Hope this helps.
oh snap Mystery. great minds think alike!! lol