Well, I don't think I really want PDA.net. I have a friend who has it and although it works great, you can't have multiple laptops run with it if I understand that correctly.
I would jave been happy to pay Sprint a little extra every moth for this optioon that I probably would use only a coupel of times a year but they won't even offer it as an optionat all. So forget it, I get it for free elsewhere.
My question is do I use WMWifirouter,
the ICsenable cab,
XDA-Tom_Codon CM Wifi Internet Sharing VGA.cab,
I'm thinking no here because it's VGA. or...
Internet Sharing (182.1 KB, 1248 views)
AL_CommManager_Suite_with_WifiSharing_1_1.CAB (2.89 MB, 1176 views)