CFAY, I assume you're aware of MM's post re: the USC ROM (in the Kitchen):
beware! this will detect your tethering usage.
For requests:
1) include "xdaShutdown 1.01 -" allows for soft reset
2) include Total Commander
3) disable Push Internet ""
4) include ""
5) include ""
6) configure Opera to end when pressing "X", rather than continuing to run in the background.
7) Configure Opera to show up in HTC’s task manager, go to “HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManager\ExclusiveList\Syste m” and delete "Opera9.exe."

No Top Curtain
9) Sprint-Specific cab options-- Nav, TV, etc.
10) ability to move icons on the start menu (not sure if this is an OS constraint)
11) include Sprint Update Profile &
12) include ""
Thanks for your time, effort & consideration. I am very happy with your ROM.