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Sprint TP2, EnergyRom 21864 w HTC Sense 2.5
Sorry for such a noob question, but I can also show that others are having a similar problem...I can't beleive I am asking this, but here goes...
How do you do an AUTO install, using ASL?..specifically, what do you change the ASL location to in advanced settings? I know the doc says "My Storage", but when I use that, everything fails to install, each cab passes with "unsuccessful", and nothing gets installed.
I have tried, My Storage, Device, Device Stoarge, and even this trick (changing to Storage card)
This allows sashimi to install the cabs, but it does install to the storage card, which some of the cabs do not like.
What am I missing?
Thanks for the suggestions, but I am following the doc...big fan of
Anyway, I see WAY TOO MANY posts on Touch Pro 2's working with Sashimi...even a few that spec a Sprint TP2, so I thought I would ask if I am doing soimething wrong (obviuosly)
So, let me ask it this way...
Once I install Sashimi to the storage card, (or internally) on this Enerrgy Rom Leo 21864 M2.5, and use the ASL folder to store cabs, should my ASL location in Adv settings be "My Storage" or something else? I have tried \Program files, program files, my device, device, etc...nothing is working and I am not completely sure why.
Any Sprint TP2's out there having issues with Sashimi?
Next step is to flash Sprint Rom and try again but I know I will be missing mort/net 3.5, etc, so not really sure how to troubleshoot.
Either the "My Storage" setting is incorrect, or soemthing is unique about my device....I'll take any suggestions...
Flashed original sprint rom, and sashimi does install correctly when using "My Storage", or at least starts to...it needs help continuing..stops at weird times, and sometimes appears to leave the screen for a good 20+ seconds, then comes back...obviously there is something in EnergyRom Leo 21864 that is causing this behavior.
If anyone has anything to add, I 'm all game. I know NRG is probaby going to be too busy and already has UC ebabled in the ROM, so I might go that way.
But....if anyone has anything to add....