Originally Posted by CrozB
Try this attached cab. Worked great for me.
Thanks for posting this. I'm in the process of building an updated Extras section which will contain CABs like this.
Originally Posted by louplou
What is the difference between manila and titanium?
Manila is TouchFLO, and Titanium is the new WM6.5 interface; also known as Chome.
Originally Posted by tjrmoney
Don't mean to sound noobish here BUT hehe here it goes.
I am wondering on the downloads for the new 6.5.3 build it has manilla and titanium downloads. Now the question is are these ROMs set just to manilla with no titanium, and titanium with no manilla, or do they include both?
sorry I know I know...there are no stupid questions just stupid people hehehe but seriously.
The Manila builds also contain Chome/Titanium since it is the default UI for WM6.5. However, the Titanium builds do not include Manila.
Originally Posted by tjrmoney
Ok I went ahead and flashed it (6.5.3)...here are my thoughts...
First NATF, great work on the ROM it looks well put together.
Now I am wondering if you are planning to upgrade to the new Sense UI instead of the stock touchflo?
Also I have noticed some lag in the switching of tabs
Other than that like I said quite stable for a 6.5.3 ROM and even better because its geared toward VZW which I also have so thats a big plus.
Now that I am satisfied with the overall stability with the ROM, I will begin to tweak it with updated apps like Sense 2.5. Sense 2.6 has limited landscape support since it is only on the keyboard-less Leo, so I do not see any benefits to adding it... yet.