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Old 11-25-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: OMJ's | HTC Sense / Manila 2.5 | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21870 / 23504 / 28002 | 11/2

Originally Posted by omnicronx
There is kind of a semi solution to this, if you use enatives suite but disable the task manager itself(which is what was causing the freezing problems) the X close button functionality still works without the freezing issues. I also forward the windows button long press to the native task manager. Works good for me.
enatives suite, is that showcase?
Yes I meant Showcase E-natives suite by amarullz. I've posted what I use in Calks thread : .

Take a look at the first file posted there (Applications - e-Natives Showcase Suite As previously stated, what I've done is remove the all the ways of opening the enatives suite task manager component as this is what cause our devices to freeze (i.e removed icons in start menu and changed the hold start menu binding).

This reg entry :
"SUITE_TaskManager_Path"="\\Windows\\taskmgr.e xe"
Allows you to bind the start button to any app you want, I've just chosen the default task manager.

The result is a functional X button close, no freezing at all, and an easily accessible task manager.

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