Originally Posted by timothydonohue
let's not turn this into a religious flame war. this is an open forum.
and, no he didn't. read up. jesus was a rabbi in the jewish faith, and judaism does not have the notion of 'hell' in it. hell is a construct of the christian church designed as a scare tactic to keep silly people in line with the church's mandates. if you aren't sure about it, find a chapter where he mentions hell. ever. can't? because it isn't there. hell is an adaptation of 'hades', from greek/roman mythology that was rolled into the church during the council of nicea where constantine basically sampled a lot of things and mixed it up into what was going to be the beginning of the christian church
wow, that might be the dumbest load i ever heard. So...... Jesus then must have not believed in the devil. Cuz its not like the devil tempted him in the garden of gesthsemini or anything. But what ever this arguement is not worth it so what ever