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Old 11-25-2009, 05:41 AM
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Re: HTC HD2 or Touch Pro 2?

I am capable of lifting more weight than 180grams so as long as the phone isn't over pounds I'm fine.

I didn't know about the HD2 when I bought the Pro2, but if I had I might have waited. The keyboard is one of the main reason I bought the Pro2, but performance is my main concern since I'm looking for an all in one device (phone, webbrowsing, camera, music and video) so I don't have to carry more than device one around. I'm just wondering how much faster this 1ghz snapdragon cpu will be compared to the current 528mhz in my Pro2.

It doesn't look like the Pro2 will be able to support Mobile 7 either, so it looks like I will have to save up.

Last edited by eksasol; 11-25-2009 at 05:45 AM.
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