Pocket Mechanic MicroSD Card format Blues
Anyone? help?
After installing the CAB file which enables the 6800 to see 8gb SDHC cards, I turned to Pocket Mechanic to format my card to see if the full 8GB would become available, instead of the 4 that it showed out of the box.
I assumed that Pocket Mechanic would prevent the phone from going into sleep mode during such a proceedure but that was not the case. The phone went to sleep and would not wake up... A soft reset brings the phone back to life but without a storage card... neither windows mobile, nor pocket mechanic see that my card even exists.
Did I just permanently brick (err, I guess waffer would be more appropriate) my 8GB MicroSD card that I payed a cool Benjamin for? Or is there any way to recover the damn thing?
ps. tried using my laptop with a card reader, but it does not support SDHC apparently.