Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
bla,bla,bla, more mms hoops, i just sent 50 pics with no problems.
You seriously have issues man. People have bent over backwards trying to help you, cuz you are too damn lazy to use a computer to download to or grab the .7z Unzipper, people went out of their way to upload you a damn nbh. Then people have tried helping on numerous occasions to give you different ways to make what you need work. I am sorry you can't get it going buddy, but I mean really are you the type that just thrives off of ticking others off even those that try to help you? You should seriously seek counseling buddy! If you aren't going to use the ROM and you can't get things to work, what benefit is it to constantly post the same thing about it not working? And that you are leaving? I guess it sets your own mind at ease? I won't lose sleep over it, trust me!