Originally Posted by fat boy
I don't know if this is the right thread you want this posted but here it goes. I LOVE your work with Max Manila and I use NRGs roms so having them work together is great and I am using the 11/9 and have not seen any problems. BUT I also like the Dusk theme and this has completely screwed up with Max Manila. Can you help. I am using:
- Dusk_Manila_2.5_Evolution_v2.0.cab
- Max Manila 2.519202525 Ultimate - v2.5.cab
- CDMA_Bilbobrian_taskBar.cab
- NRG 11/9 rom w manila version 2.5.192002525.0 / OS version 21864.5.3.0
should I have been using a different Max Manila??? thanks
No, that is the MaxManila you need, but i am sure that the MaxManila and Dusk Manila have some conflicting manila files. probably mode9
im going to compare and let you know whats different.