Originally Posted by smashbottom
Does anyone have a cab that adds the tasks button to the top right corner? I tried playing that tetris like game, hit the left key and it wanted me to call someone, I EX out of the phone, have to hit the windows button, games, then click that tetris like game...
Also, is there a way to tab between open browsers of the opera, or do I need to install a different opera? The whole switching between applications or attempting to multitask hasn't been made easy... otherwise the rom is kickass.
Thank you 
I don't think you can do exactly what you want, but you can install a 2186x ROM and the whole multitasking thing is much easier. Those builds still have the task manager accessible in the top right. I use those builds primarily for the same reason.
If you can hold out a day, I think we'll be seeing some new ROMs soon.