Originally Posted by Christophe418
Thank you for your responses _sandman, tkedch and ThreeFaces!
Thank you for adding 28xxx!
Ok, do I understand that the more "xxx", the higher the development is done on this version "28"?
So 28002 is very new?
Now what is a COMx ?
I also believe that 28004 is for us since he was speaking in twitter!
Do you think the 28004 version might solve the problem of black screen with our CDMA HTC Touch Pro?
With what are you changing too rapidly version for fun? Spb Clone? It seems to me that many configurations to change ROM from time to time?
I tried the 23504 previously and it seemed pretty stable too, but perhaps slower than the 28002. Any decision to take ... I'll try to compare the benefits me and decide on a version ... Just after having tested 28004!
For switching quickly between ROMs, I use a program called SASHIMI, which really just automatically loads up my cabs and registry edits for my configuration. I've become reasonably familiar enough with these builds and sashimi to be able to manually pull out any cabs or registry edits that might cause a conflict with a new ROM.
I always hard reset after flashing a new ROM, so I install something and check it out, then I make whatever adjustments to sashimi that I need, then I hard reset and let the device completely configure itself.
It took about 3 hours to get my configuration set up in Sashimi, but now I can flash a ROM and be up and going in about 15 minutes with all of my cabs and settings.
It's a great program. I hated having to reconfigure my whole device just because I wanted to test a new ROM.