Originally Posted by DaddyLongLegs
There is a trick I found here:
However, it's for Sprint's version of the phone so it's not applicable to me. I am DYING to figure out how to tether over Bluetooth with my HTC Touch Pro2 on Verizon. It doesn't even work with PDANet.
My old Blackberry just showed up as a network connection when I paired it and I'd connect like that. Damn do I miss it.
Use the Modem Link application on the stock ROM. You'll have to change your default MIP profile so that the DUN NAI is
MDN@vzw3g.com (not
mdn@dun.vzw3g.com) after every time you dial *228, but it works. Then pair (BT DUN should already be available) and setup a DUN connection in Windows control panel. #777 is the number to be dialed and the username and password are your MDN and vzw.