Originally Posted by maxdamage2122
We already know about the diagnostics menu. What we are trying to find/get is fastboot
Well, we can write to /system (but not /system/bin or any other subdir) if you adb shell in Self Test mode.
There is a oneshot script in the init.rc to flash /system/recovery.img to the recovery partition. We can write /system/recovery.img but it didnt flash. I'm guessing we'd have to factory reset, which I'd rather not do.
I doubt that image wille ven work since its a different processor. I wouldn't try it, instead, we should try to find a way to make our su file on /system while we have write access.
Again, load up Self Test/Diag mode, and connect to adb shell and /system is chmod'd 0777.
Make sure 12. USB is set to "PDA". Setting it to "Phone" will disable ADP, but will allow QPST.
We can setuid on /system, but the problem I'm facing is the fact that everything I create is owned by "shell"