Originally Posted by av8er
A problem I've found with this setup, when you enter Airplane Mode the phone will become unstable as the live app continually tries to connect/listen to the network. turning the Airplane Mode off does not fix the problem and you will need to soft reset the phone to get things working again. Not good for me as I turn on Airplane Mode several times a day.
I've also found that this causes the phone to lockup in standby mode sometime during the night draining the battery to 5%. No, I do not have attachments set to save to SD or any apps stored on the SD. The phone was working great until I setup the Live account and the standby lockup issue came back.
Do any of you know how to delete the Live account? Delete is grayed out and I don't want to hard reset...
in order to delete a live account you gotta go into it and act as if you are going to open one all over again and you will have an option to remove the current one set up. I had trouble figuring it out a while back....but i got it off with out a hard reset, but i have a feeling that this response wont help you much cause its not very specific, but just try out what I said..and you might be able to figure it out...if you really cant Ill set up a live account on my phone and ill tell you how to take it off, i have to see it on my phone and remove it to be specific.