I'm the one with more than 600 application
I still have the Out of Memory error. I tried even after a soft reset, and a part risking an Hard Reset (was forced to click "by memory" because half of screen disappeared after Out of Memory) I become aware about two things:
1- If you have too many applications you need too much time to start if you really want to load everything. I don't want my phone to become usable 5 minutes after reboot.
2- If you have too many applications it would be boring scroll among ALL of them to find the right one. I organized everything in folders, and at least for WM6.5 those folders are very easily accessible via default Start Menu.
So my humble proposal is "Please, let us to choose"
I mean, is it possible to be optional to load ALL the applications? I would use that screen only for my favorites for example, or for other widgets.
The other advantage for you programmer (I think) is that it will be much easier to give us this option than to manage all thos icons/programs...
Hope you agree with me