Originally Posted by msisaac
I bought the 2100mAh battery off eBay when I first got the Mogul. I figured it would be as impressive as the extended battery I had for my XV6700. Running the Mogul on the old ROM, the extended battery seemed to drain almost as fast as the stock battery. I don't know if WinMo wasn't reading the correct power level, or if the battery really was draining down that fast, but I wasn't that impressed. I just upgraded to the 2.17 ROM and people have been reporting much better battery life. I'll have to see if that works for me. And before anyone asks, this wasn't some generic Chinese rip-off eBay battery. It was a brand new fully packaged OEM battery.
One other thing that may be important: the cover. When you upgrade to the 2100mAh battery, the cover is a smooth, rounded cover. The problem I had with it is that it doesn't have much grip to it. So the battery makes the phone heavier, and the back cover is smooth and rounded. It's a recipe for dropping the phone, which I've done a couple of times now. That new 3500mAh battery cover looks like it has sharper edges, so I will most likely upgrade to that battery when it comes out. It should provide a better grip.
Yeah, 2.17 really REALLY fixed my battery draining problem. I upgraded to 2.17 on November 30. I did a full charge on the 2100mAh battery that night. Here it is December 4th, and my battery is at 80%. That's 4 days of admittedly light usage, and only a 20% battery drain. With the 2.09 firmware, I was recharging that phone every single day without even using it. So, with the new 2.17, I can definitely recommend the extended battery. Check eBay and see if you can get the 2100mAh battery for a good price.