Originally Posted by jmorton10
It should, I am on Verizon so I can't test it. This is how I got VZ MMS working:
Within TF3D Messages>All Messages>Menu>Settings>Options>Menu>MMS Server>SampleMMSC:
Ip is left blank
Port #: 80
Server Address: http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms
Connect Via: Verizon Wireless
Send Limt: 1024kb
Wap Vers: WAP 2.0
I'm using SMS just fine through TF3D and when sending MMS, either go into winmo side or your photo album and send MMS that way. It opens up the old winmo texting and sends/receives just fine for me. Winmo will work for sms too.
I also had to make an additional registry change before I could successfully send an MMS msg using WM messaging. I had to add a key to HKLM/Software/Arcsoft/ArcSoft MMS UA/Config/mm1/WspHeader. You need to add a String named "x-vzw-mdn". The value is your phone # (********). Soft reset, and then I was able to send MMS messages.
the additional reg change must be a vzw thing as i dont have to do this