11-23-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar
Long time lurker first time poster here, yes I am a noob. I want to say thanks to everyone in this thread and site for all the valuable input, advice, software, etc. It is much appreciated and will always be.
I tried my best to follow these instructions and am afraid I missed something or was unable to find the fix thru the 160+ posts here. Also below I have listed the info for troubleshooting help.
Originally Posted by tsowen
Speaker and Battery Icon
The Speaker and Battery Icon's are located in the phcanOverbmp.dll file. The following are the steps to change your battery icon and speaker Icon out and to also give you the battery percentage.
1. First install the sdkcerts.cab
2. Install Taskbar%20Icons%20v2.cab
3. Install darklord battery metre v2_fixed.cab
4. To have your battery meter give you actual % such as 33% instead of in increments of 10 install nuePowerDriverCDMADiamond-100-v1.0-cab.cab updated 11/13/08
5. To fix the battery % either use a registry editor and change the settings as posted below or install FInixNOverBatteryIconsOnly.zip (no need to do both) updated 11/11/08
6. To fix the little font when you click the speaker icon install HTCVolumeControl.dll in the attachment below (Thanks opuscroakus) updated 12/5/08
Originally Posted by tsowen
To further expand on what GadgetFreak said and what I have posted several times there are a few things we need in order to properly troubleshoot your problems and they are:
1. Your Phone (HTC Touch Pro or whatever this will also tell us if your QVGA, VGA or WVGA)
2. Your Current ROM (Stock or MightMike 4.7 or whatever)
3. The Taskbar you have installed (tsowentaskbar5v1.7 or whatever)
4. GSM or CDMA
5. Any additional software you are running such as Wisebar or SPB Mobile Shell or anything to this effect. (Some users have reported problems with these two software)
6. The nature of your problem in detail such as I unistalled tsowentaskbar3 and sdkcerts. I then re-installed sdkcerts, tsowentaskbar 6 and nuepowerdriver. When I turn on my bluetooth my icon is still the stock icon. I have checked my /Windows folder and it shows the correct BT On Mode.bmp that is in your taskbar.
1. HTC Fuze
2. Stock ROM
3. I was installing the taskbar above (Taskbar%20Icons%20v2.cab)
4. GSM
5. Nothing major, just all simple aps like "flipclock theme", g-alarm, etc..I can list more if needed.
6. My problem is with the battery % icon, the 100% seems to be scaled down to 20% equaling 100%. I installed the taskbar with the above instructions. After step 3 and a soft reset, the new task bar appeared with the battery icon at 16%(which actually was about 75%) The link in step 4 appears to be an updated version for the TP2 which I did try but did not work. Step 5's link doesn't appears not to work anymore. Step 6 I have not attempted yet, still reading up on it and not comfortable with total commander yet.
Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated. I apologize in advance for leaving out any info needed to help but will reply asap if needed.