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Old 11-23-2009, 05:54 PM
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Re: [OCT/25] MatBee 6.5 ROM - 5.2.23081 - Fixed Beta Watermark

Originally Posted by PAPutzback View Post
How can I disable the key guard when I am tied to an exchange server enforcing the key guard policy. Unless I am talking about to different key guards.

In order to unlock my phone I have a little Icon at the top that needs to slide to the side. Then a 10 key keypad pops up and I have to put in my code and press the lock icon.

Is that SU2 software the one that caused me screen to have a green answer and red ignore slider. Because when I get a phone call and I slide the answer to the right it doesn't answer.

I don't see Su2 in my list of programs. Do you think it did not uninstall correctly?
Ah, THAT keyguard is something else altogether. The 'Press okay to continue' keyguard is seperate from the 'enter password' keyguard...