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Old 11-23-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: |V|ROM|6.5.1|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (23088/21864) ** |Nov 15th| Manila 2.1 &

I have 28002 loaded and have a few issues.

No short cut to today screen & vis-versa, Voic co0mmand isn't working, twitter hangs everyother time and haven't been able to update. Codding errors in the edit contact info It read <FDMID>983431</FDMID?<sn></sn>

Missing page for picking which emails to delete. right now you if the email is NOT the very next email am having to open that email close it then delete. Yipes;

Bluetooth NOT working at all. Not only is there no lists installed it can't find it and when you exit the program, have to restart the phone because all communications are shut off even though it shows phone and data connections are set to on. Yipse big time.

Hope they are working on this. Like his work.

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Observations thus far of 28002. texting works, dial out works/dial in did not initially but after I changed the ringtone to ring01-windowsphone it worked, so did ring02-Velvet (so far thats the only ones I have tried. changed the ringer by using the HTC Sense setting tab>Sound & Display. Also, NRG mentioned on twitter that wallpapers were not working which is true. However, I was able to get bg4all working along with removing the top bar and bottom bar! Also, weather wallpapers are changing no problem at all. I have not tried animated wallpapers, frankly I'm scared to because last time it locked up touchflo requiring a hard reset. so if anyone else wants to try, let us know . Here is a snapshot of the homescreen with the changes. Also, will attach the cabs if you are interested.

Hope this helps. thanks to mwalt2 for providing me the cabs as well as Mystery for figuring out the taskbar thing today

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