Originally Posted by WisdomWolfX
From my experiences with Manila 2.5 it seems that you have to choose between the HTC messaging app (which is threaded, but insists on loading ALL messages before you can type a reply...thus making it uber slow if you have a few messages in the convo) and the WM client (which can't be made threaded as near as I can tell, but is quite a bit snappier than HTC messaging). Is this also true of this ROM?
If so, is anyone working on a way to either:
Speed up the loading of HTC Messaging (perhaps by archiving old messages or some hack to allow you to type as it loads)
Restore WM Client to the default text client with proper threading and click through support (like the Manila SMS disabler for Manila 2.1)
I would also like the WM sms client to display my messages in a threaded view.