Originally Posted by netengineer
Thanks for the info. I did notice the differance with the bar at the bottom but thought there might be more to it then just a "visual" look.
I have found that everyone has been very helpful not just to me but other people when answering a post but.... you are just a PRICK!!! Really? Do you have to be so sarcastic? With that said, I have to say you gave me my answer so I am still going to "thank you" for your post. (seriously, I am)
If I could expand on dj's post- the 28xxx (formerly 23xxx) builds are more than just the Start Menu on bottom. The Menus and sub-menus throughout the UI are much more finger friendly IMO. I rock the 6.5.x builds but the "older" ones are fantastic too, once "energized"
Oh and fyi-if we could keep the name calling to PM's? That'd be swell
We already had a Moderator give us a "Let's all be civil" warning. Thanks.