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Old 12-04-2007, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by eldre2k1 View Post
ok here it goes, seems peeps dont know that they need to have Winrar (software) to unrar the "UnRAR folder

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If you do have this Winrar software than proceed!

Now once you have downloaded (the cab rar folder) from there you open the file and it should open up w/your winrar and the "cache" file should be there.

Highlight the folder and right click than go to "extract to specified folder"

there you should save to a folder that you can access and remember the location of this file , after the file to a new location (took a few minutes) copy and paste where the Program Files\SprintTV\cache" is at

Point to know, is that you are replacing just the cache folder only!( delete and paste the new cache folder)

Start up sprint tv than u should b good to go

hope this helps

it took me awhile 2

Have the ppc6700


ps dont mess with that pocketrar shyt! u dont need it !
I did alll of the above andits not working. What I did notice is that when I unrar the file on my PC, there are alot on files in that cache folder,but when I unrar the file on my phone and then look inside the cache folder, I only see a folder that says "menu" with 4 little files in it: "mc , m0, m1 & m2". Nothing else.

Any ideas?
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Last edited by Pibe38; 03-08-2008 at 01:30 AM.