Originally Posted by winmonewbie
What build are you guys on? I assume 28002?
My SMS is fine, no issue. Are you sending from Sense? I am.
Still working on the Black Screen of Doom no fix yet but I havent seen it for a few hours now, still testing....
What is up NRG brothers.....two days and two rom releases later!?

Ran 28002 from release,literally....I was dumb enough to try to flash the 20th build even though no one had got it to work and prove it......good thing I have an extra 1g sd with my stock rom on the root! Flashed nov21 build as soon as it uploaded and got started.... Black screens all night, black screens all day! No matter what I tried! Like others I have flashed danced it multiple times and tried runnin it with nothing loaded completly nude all the way up the spectrum to full sashimi....with no difference. I don't use S2U2 or anything like that like others suggested. I also noticed that in my case it is very random and comes at any time, after anything sms-call-browsing-put to sleep manually-allowed to go into sleep setting auto- EVEN when I run the task manager, run CleanRAM, and then manually put it to sleep so I am having trouble linking it to anything, so then I started in the reg.....

Gonna play with it some more but it seems the longer I leave it on the more it is doing it. Still random once every 1-3 hrs or occasionally twice an hour even.... Other than that I am loving it.
Just now downloading 21869 to look at some things.....wanted to say what everyone else is saying basically....