Originally Posted by veedubguru
Where? I didn't see anything about 2.1 and got bummed. Believe me, I keep checking Twitter trying to locate my next fix. (Of all the addictions... flashing seems to be the worst!)
I've been wanting to try the new 6.5.3 ROM, but I didn't like all the bugs in 2.5 Manila in the last couple of builds. I ran one for about a week, but it's just too GSM still. I made the mistake of going in to my phone settings, and noticed they were all GSM settings I was seeing. So I backed out of it and rebooted... ringer was dead when it came back, and the data took a while to get going again. It was fun to play with, but I think I'm going to stick with the 2.1 Manila builds for now. Still loving the 23504 / 2.1 build... so fast!!!
On Nov 20th he Twitted "Of course" so I was curious and clicked on the users name to see the what he responded to and it was "Do you plan on making a 2.1 manila 28002 ROM?"

And fyi-there's a relatively easy way to get the CDMA settings back, been talking about it today and if you search "CDMA" and username "sfhub" you'll find the exact post.
Basically the wrong .dll files are cooked/ported? in and the fix copies over the correct ones.
There is a reg edit too, you can use the built in reg editor to import it (

that was for tkedch's benefit)