As some of you may know It is free for sprint customers to use the basic features of youmail. well i got tired of looking it up in opera so i decided to write a small basic program to do what i need it to do.
Big Thanks to JMZ on this one he helped me out a lot.
* I decided against scroll Bars on this one because you Rarely need to scroll just use whatever arrow keys you have
* this was tested on a Touch Pro and written for VGA devices May work in other resolutions try and give me feed back. also I wrote this on 6.5 sdk and tested on 21876 build but that shouldnt really mater to much on this one
* if it looks simple its because it is I just pointed this to their mobile website to sign in and take care of business
* all that being said enjoy and please give feedback on your experience.
also as another testament to how lazy I am I may write a mortscript to kill data connection when the program ends but that is still very undecided