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Old 11-22-2009, 08:21 AM
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Re: Very Confused .. Sprite or SPB Backup - restore Help!

Originally Posted by saj070 View Post
the only problem with that is when you update rprl then there is a conflict. if it is the same exact phone you backing up then no issue hard reset full restore works flawleslly..

As soon as you duplicate one phone to another including system data them forget it internet never works or something always going on i tired this with spb and sprite same problem...

my conclusion is with new device only restore contacts and data files. dod not restore system files. and reload all apps/games that is the only way i can get it the phone to work same as my previous device..

again same device perfect full restore will work i use sbp and no regrets...

new phone it can be done but it little tricky same when you load new rom there always system file conflict...

my 2 cents leaarning the hard way...
Thanks for the reply and advice. I can certainly see the potential for problems when going from one different device or ROM to another, but hopefully this will not be the case for me.

I am going from one Verizon Touch Pro 2 to another, and their 'birthday' should only be a month or two apart. I will check to make sure the ROM and other software versions are the same on both phones (again, I am using the original stock ROM), and if they are identical, my original question remains as far as which Restore options are the correct ones to use for this situation.

Anybody with explicit information on the use of Sprite Backup's Restore options in this context? I posted also on Sprite's very poor support forum (very little activity), but I rely on information from the experts here!
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