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Old 11-22-2009, 02:16 AM
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Re: Very Confused .. Sprite or SPB Backup - restore Help!

Originally Posted by JZ* View Post
I have used Sprit for years...and seem to be the lone wolf (besides you )...anyway, Sprite works well for me (I don;t have Spb, so can't refernce anything else)...OK

The best thing to do is just do a Backup of the DEVICE. First...
Choose CUSTOM BACKUP, hit next
EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CHECKED except "Storage Card", hit next
NAME THE FILE (so you know its the one you want to use when you restore it)
and CHOOSE LOCATION (Use Storage Card), hit next,
BACKUP starts...let it finish...your done.

When you get your new device, put your SD back into the device, use FILE EXPLORER to find the backup on your SD, TAP the backup file...follow the prompts to let it restore...your done.

(The above assumes you have a large enough SD to store the backup, AND your device is the same ROM etc.)

Hope this helps
the only problem with that is when you update rprl then there is a conflict. if it is the same exact phone you backing up then no issue hard reset full restore works flawleslly..

As soon as you duplicate one phone to another including system data them forget it internet never works or something always going on i tired this with spb and sprite same problem...

my conclusion is with new device only restore contacts and data files. dod not restore system files. and reload all apps/games that is the only way i can get it the phone to work same as my previous device..

again same device perfect full restore will work i use sbp and no regrets...

new phone it can be done but it little tricky same when you load new rom there always system file conflict...

my 2 cents leaarning the hard way...
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