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Old 11-22-2009, 01:43 AM
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Re: |H|ROM|6.5.3|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Photon' (28002/21869) |Nov21| Sense 2.1 and 2.5

Originally Posted by vernonlbrown View Post
Animated wallpaper is working on the 28002 build but for those who enable the animated wallpaper and it locks up Sense. use this reg edit. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\Manila\AnimatedBack groundPath change to \Windows\Weather Wallpaper and softreset. Should be good to go then.

Hey Winmo, is there anyway u can cab that regedit up for people who need it?
Sorry Dudes, I'm still a cab n00b and the program I use for basic cabs isnt great for regedits. It's one of my projects to learn, still working on it. Sorry.

Originally Posted by djdafreund View Post
Hey buddy. Which version of Nov.21 did you get MMS working out of the box? I followed your ringers corruption fix (IE- Set ringer, reset, and it's all working fine.), but i tried on 21869 MMS, without installing anything yet (other then MusicID,myphone_final) and it sat for a little while, then finally said in a bubble "Unable to send the message". Using sprint cdma. Tried sending via WM messanger, but don't have "Insert" option without installing "Uninstall/-JD Arcsoft" method. I know at least after trying the new Indagroove's rom yesterday it is working fine without installing anything directly from the manilla tab, but it's not doing it for me with 21869, but maybe i am guessing your using 28002, since indagroove's also uses 2.6+, i might end up trying 28002 if need be, but wanted to try 21869 for speed reasons first before moving forward. Thanks buddy!!
28002 worked straight away, just not from Sense. I describe the process here:

I did the old MMS set up and it sends from Sense but recieving still seems to be an issue. After the set up with Arcsoft I couldnt see the pic in Sense. On the last build worked better, may try that.

Originally Posted by megavolt View Post
28002 - I can't seem to set up my hotmail account... stalls after step 2. Anyone else having this problem with a hotmail/live account?
Try checking out Threefaces 2.5 manila guide in my sig. Since your issue is the same as last build I'll ASSUME the fix is the same, havent tested it yet.

Having some issues and I'm going to do the Flashdance (again) will report back later.
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