Re: *VISTA ROM* [04-12-09] Ivan's ROM 1.9.S.V[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][UC]
Hey guys,
I installed NFSFAN's rom last week and I was very impressed. It seems like it, like all of the other roms out there, has its pros and cons. After reading further about NFSFAN's rom, others are reporting that it starts to act up with time. I also like Ivan's 1.9 rom, which has been very stable for me for months. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is a cab for me to make any rom behave like NFSFAN's weather tab? I really like the "my location" GPS weather function which I have not seen on any other roms. I travel a lot, and the regular weather options on other roms do not list every Podunk towns in the US. I would like to tweak my Ivans Rom with NFSFAN's gps weather functions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.