Originally Posted by meatgel
I'm not using the HTC Messaging client. I'm trying to make it as straight 6.5 as possible right now. I think once I get stable I will move to 6.5.1, but this is driving me crazy. I know I'm missing something dumb.
I do believe this is tied to me adding a 1% battery driver after the build, but from my selections, my battery in the taskbar keeps going in 10% increments. That's why I didn't think there was a driver in the build.
I see what taskbar you are using. What is the "tweaks battery cab"? EDIT: bah, now i know what you are talking about ... the one in the tools folder. I will check it out.
i wasn't talking about the one in the tools folder. I was talking about the last option in the kitchen, but if that is already selected then use the attached battery driver. i also had problems with the driver you are trying to use.