Originally Posted by Comstar
WinMo - Well done on the VIPER status. You help alot of people and deserve it!!!!!!!!!!
I hope the ringer is fixed so I can stop "cheating"
Thanks Bro, very nice of you to say. Gotta say I'm kinda

about it myself.
I just love this stuff and helping out is just how I roll
Just my .02- I couldnt get 28002 to go and with so many users having an inability to boot, I'm wondering how stable the ones are that got it to go?
There, I knocked on wood for you, hope all is fabulous but if your rockin' the newest release keep the fact that many couldnt get it to boot in the back of your mind in case you see any weirdness crop up.
I'm patiently waiting in Stockland for nrgz to rescue me.
Thanks once again nrgz for your hard work, I know you'll have us flash fiends up and running in no time!