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Old 11-20-2009, 11:51 PM
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Originally Posted by ww3kc
Originally Posted by mommasboy View Post
Try using the flashrec method, it’s extremely easy and you don’t need administrative rights so you can do it from your job. Follow his steps and you should be fine. The only difference is instead of flashing modoca’s rom flash fresh’s .4
Do you have to have a custom rom when you root your phone?? I just want to root my phone for apps to sd, no other reason.
No you don't. You can just root. I suggest a rom update because it makes the phone run better overall. I suggest NOT using A2SD2 (apps 2 sd 2) by the way, it is a hassle and only has created problems for people using it that I have seen. I didn't like it when I was running it. It is a great app, but it doesn't work as well as apps on sd card on winmo.
On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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