Originally Posted by brownhornet
What's the difference between 21864 and 28002? Im guessing no one may know yet but i'm guessing my biggest concert is mms since I have it the way I like it. Perhaps ill just run a spb full backup and flash and if I dont like it just flash back. Well one more thing, does 28002 have the taskbar on the top like 864 or on the bottom?
21864 == Winmo 6.5
28002 == Winmo 6.5.3
21864 will be
much more stable than 28002.
Both you will need to install the 2 MMS cab fixes on either ROM. winmo 6.5.x does not have the task bar on top.
Just an FYI too, you do not want to perform a full backup with SPB backup when you are switching between ROMS, because it will back up your registry and system data too, which will cause some problems between ROM versions. I suggest just backing up
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