Re: do you guys recommend the palm pre still or not?
lol i know.. just bout every ppc ive used.. ppc6700, touch, tp, mogul, ad diamond.. all had either seidio or mugen extended batts..
I hate being tied to the wall charger.. the car isnt much of a problem.. just plug in and go..
but people are always like why does this phones batt suck. etc.. well u know the thinner your device the batt life goes out the
I just laugh how people complain all the time bout that..
think bout it..u buy a netbook with a 3cell batt. hum well u got prollly 2 hours of batt life...get the ext 6 cell u double that. but also double the size of the batt..
oh well im just tired of people complaining bout this or that.. or saying iphone rules.. or this and that. lol
its just funny.. we are people living in a so free nation with choice. and most people like to be diff and others like to follow the herd.. but people complain to much bout this or that.. and lack that simple thing called common sense..
I love that bible thing.. judge not or be judged yourself..or however it goes..
people be kind and
bah sorry my rant ends now. or rather random acts of senseless babble.. bah......