Originally Posted by brunolauze
How to package Da_G build the way joojoobee666 do? i'ld like to learn it. I did try to use XIPKitchen but it never worked. What are the steps.
Split the DPI lang folders, keep option.xml in rar.
Originally Posted by Nagrom Nniuq
Ya, I would like to learn how to do this also.
From here on out this will be much easier. The XIPs no longer need ported, and although the XIP file that you will see from an official PPCKitchen SYS release may look different, you can actually use the MSXIPKernel files alone in the XIP rar. So as far as converting the files for yourself, not hard at all. Just take a look at the current layouts and you can reuse the option.xml files in another SYS you make, even tweak it to your liking.
Also, just and FYI. If there are no option.xml files, EVERY package is inlcuded.