Originally Posted by damant
thanks guys for all the tips.
i will be playing with HDwall tonite.
i'm running 6.1 with C07 silver icon hookup.
its gonna look awsome if it works.
I have been wanting to do this for a long time!! From what people have told me is you can not do this with 6.1 rom you need 6.5 rom. Correct me if I am wrong anyone cause if I am then i am all over this!! Let me know if you get this to work for ya damant!! I would really like to hear if you succeed!! One of the things I have tried is UItweaker which isnt the easiest thing to work with. Infact I am currently looking for a step for step guide for this program so I can change the colors of my taskbars. Goodluck
P.S. these are some links that I have started for the same question.