Originally Posted by Gcav
I am currently looking to upgrade my dinosaur phone. I have never had a smart phone because i can be rather rough out on the job with my phones. Im looking into replacing my sanyo (lol) for either a Hero, Pre, or moment. I have been leaning towards the moment for several weeks. I think the pre is next ( because of its true multitasking ability) and then the hero.
I need my phone to work with outlook for emails contacts and calendar. I like the idea of having a keyboard even though i have read mixed reviews about the moments keyboard. But the multitasking is kinda a big thing, i dont want to have to hang up a call or close something out just to open up contacts or calendar for something. (if that makes sense)
I know that this is a moment forum but have noticed alot of you have used several different phones up to this one and was just looking for some advice.
IMHO go to a local store and touch the phones. Keyboard reviews, like that one guy that gave his review.. Reviewers usually hold a phone for 10 mins. Of course they are gonna feel weird with a new keyboard layout, but ALL their reviews say the same thing about every keyboard unit the touch.
Here goes my opinions; People say they can not feel the difference between the keys.. OMG use one for 5 mins, then you can laugh at them. The shift is where you would usually go to hit a tab. the function key is where you would look for a shift key. the spacebar is between the last row of keys. The arrows are within the keys. The enter is where you would expect the delete key, the delete is up top. The top row is close to the slider portion so your fat fingers won't get to touch the top keys with the pulp/yem of your finger..
You also have the option to use the on screen keyboard in portrait and landscape like on the hero, for quick text entry. But why would you want to cover up half your screen with a virtual keyboard and limit your viewing?
The Hero is sluggish and slow where it counts, visibly. Some most used features are bugged, hence the maintenance ROM to try to fix these. Going into the dialer the lag is really noticeable, dialing you could be finished dialing and it's three numbers behind...
Screen? Hero's has normal viewing angles, if you look from the sides you can't see the screen to well. And isn't "true color".