Need help deciding
I am currently looking to upgrade my dinosaur phone. I have never had a smart phone because i can be rather rough out on the job with my phones. Im looking into replacing my sanyo (lol) for either a Hero, Pre, or moment. I have been leaning towards the moment for several weeks. I think the pre is next ( because of its true multitasking ability) and then the hero.
I need my phone to work with outlook for emails contacts and calendar. I like the idea of having a keyboard even though i have read mixed reviews about the moments keyboard. But the multitasking is kinda a big thing, i dont want to have to hang up a call or close something out just to open up contacts or calendar for something. (if that makes sense)
I know that this is a moment forum but have noticed alot of you have used several different phones up to this one and was just looking for some advice.