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Old 11-20-2009, 08:58 AM
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Re: I am leaving sprint and my touch pro..must read.

Originally Posted by MinLo View Post
In a perfect world your statement is true....
We don't live in a perfect world so your statement fails.....

IDK where you work, neither does it particularly matter but as for bragging that the company made the Gartners Magic Quadrant that is beyond hilarious....
Research firms like these sell out to the highest bidders and give them favorable reviews as qouted from wiki below.....

"It has been pointed out that the criteria for the Magic Quadrant cater more towards investors and large vendors than towards buyers[3].
Much of the criticism is focused on the lack of disclosure of the moneys received from the vendors it rates, raising conflict of interest issues. Also a source of criticism is the lack of disclosure on the vendor's component scores and the lack of transparency in Gartner's methodology used to derive the vendor's position on the MQ map."

Pay close attention to the bolded....

If I gave you a couple mill with the agreement that you praise my abilities, I'm quite sure you'd have no problems with giving me high marks......

In our case we were a small company at the time (this was a couple of years ago) with limited funds so there is no way we would have had the kind of money to throw at Gartner, esp. considering we beat out IBM in the tech support arena, that would have cost a LOT of money, lol. I'm pretty sure we made it on our own merit. Now I don't know everything that goes on at my company so I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure we didn't have anywhere near the kind of funds needed to buy a spot in the quadrant.
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